I've been away (teaching ASP.NET programming in Suffolk) this week. I was using the local buses between the hotel and the site. Mostly its worked pretty well.
Yesterday morning, left the hotel, turned right, found bus stop, caught 08:30 bus. Arrived about 08:50 - nice timing. 
Today. Left hotel, turned left, I thought the stop was slightly closer that way. Stood at stop. It's about 08:20. Soon joined by a few school kids, some of whom I recognised as having got the bus yesterday. Whoo-hoo -
- This is working! Eventually there are nine kids around me. Bus arrives, slows down, I grab my bags, bus goes straight past! "Oh yes that happens quite often to us! Its not a proper stop and you really have to wave to stop the bus." Well Duh! I didn't know that? I assumed (there was my error) that the locals would stop the bus, because they wanted to get on it. After all I had seen them on the bus only yesterday. "Don't worry there's another one soon." Yes there was, but they forgot to tell me, or didn't think - it was a school only bus. I couldn't get on. 
Consulted timetable - actually the next listed bus is nearly an hour away. Phone for a taxi. Ha - no way. It's near nine am. They didn't even answer the phone.
Walked down to next village. The buses are more frequent there. The 9:05 didn't show, I got the 9:25 and was about 40 minutes late. Seriously grumpy!
By some incredible stroke of luck, careful planning, yesterday at close of play, my students were working on an exercise and I had promised them time to finish this morning. I had not intended them to have quite that much time, but at least they had something to do! They were very nice about it.